Rencontre avec la blogueuse Naturallylety

We interview Blogger NaturallyLety

Pour prévenir et éliminer les taches pigmentaires, il est primordial de miser sur des soins ciblés enrichis en actifs anti-taches. PATYKA vous livre ses meilleurs conseils pour retrouver un teint unifié


Who are you?

I’m Laetitia, I’m 30 and I blog at, where I share tips and recipes for a healthy lifestyle.

My mantra is to nourish body and soul inside and out, as without it the magic can’t do its thing!

What’s your passion?

My biggest passion is helping others. Whether it’s a smile, some advice, a recipe or a quote, everything has an impact on other people, whether they like it or not. It’s important to remember this day-to-day and try hard to be kind.

I also have a real passion for healthy food which helps the body restore itself to full health.



What’s the first beauty-related thing you do in the morning?

I do a light cleanse with a mist or floral water to clear impurities that have built up during the night.

How much time per day do you spend in your bathroom?

It depends on the day, but I'd say 30 to 40 minutes.

Has anyone you love ever shared a beauty secret of theirs with you?

I have really curly hair which my mum used to plait in the evening to stop it getting knotty and tangled. I still love doing this as it prevents breakage during the night.

What’s your strangest beauty secret?

Drinking vegetable juice! Your complexion will thank you.

What makes someone beautiful?

That’s a tricky one. I’d say beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I don’t really have an answer.

What are your favourite beauty products?

Thanks to the blog I can test out lots of different brands and products! And some of them definitely stand out :) These are some products I love for glowing skin:

Masque Hydratant Intense Patyka


What made you switch to using organic beauty products?

A few years ago, I changed my diet and started wondering what was actually in my beauty products. From there, I began to gradually change my routine.

How do you choose your beauty products?

There are three things I think about: results, quality (natural, organic) and packaging (I love having pretty packaging in my bathroom).

Do you have any tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle on a busy schedule?

Nowadays everyone is busy. The hardest thing is living in the moment and using our time to do things that benefit us. I recently saw an Instagram post that said “If you’ve got time for Instagram, you’ve got time for yoga!” This can apply to anything. There are lots of things we can do to live a healthier lifestyle.

“If you’ve got time for Instagram, you’ve got time for yoga!” This can apply to anything.

I’d say we need to:

1 - Accept that we’re not perfect (this gets rid of so much guilt) and spend at least 15 minutes every evening doing some self-care: relaxation exercises, sport, a beauty ritual, etc. 15 minutes a day can make a big difference.

2 - Be organised and cook quick, healthy meals without getting stressed! On a Sunday you can plan for the first few dinners of the week ahead.

3 - Have good reasons to make changes: do sport to feel better, stronger and more confident (not just to lose weight). Eat better to have more energy, better skin, take in the nutrients we need (and stop counting calories), etc.


Tell us about a secret Paris location you like to go.

I don't know any because I’m too much of a homebody! (laughs) I love walking along the riverbank and looking at all the lovely bridges.

What's your favourite Paris restaurant?

It's hard to choose because I like changing things up and trying new places! I recently discovered Comptoir Veggie on Avenue Ledru Rollin. It’s super cute and not too busy...yet! You should go!

What’s the worst thing about Paris?

I’d say the fact that there are no proper cycle paths! I cycled all round Copenhagen one weekend and think it's a shame that Paris doesn't make more effort for its cyclists... It's ridiculous to have bikes going down bus lanes!

Tell us about a Parisian you admire.

My biggest inspirations aren’t necessarily Parisian but, if I had to choose one, I’d say Marie Curie: an adopted Parisian who devoted her life to her passion and played such a key role in the development of medicine.

Find Naturally Lety on Instagram.

© Photo: Naturally Lety
