PATYKA's commitment

to regenerative organic agriculture

that restores soil and promotes carbon sequestration


The organic content of soil lies at the heart of environmental challenges as it determines:

Soil quality, which is essential for food security and population health;
Soil structure, which impacts erosion and water retention;
Soil biodiversity, which supports ecosystems and soil resilience.

Regenerative or conservation agriculture, officially defined by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) in 2001, places soil at the centre of the production system and is based on three key principles:

• Maximal soil coverage, using crop residues or planted cover crops;

• Minimal soil disturbance, with direct seeding or green manure crops (plants that nourish the soil);

• Crop diversification, through varied rotations and combinations of at least three different crops.

Soil is the living skin of our planet.

It is a vital resource for food production, a foundation for human activity, a source of minerals and building materials, a natural purifier, and a water reservoir. It is essential to life and plays a crucial role in the future of humanity. The more organic matter soil contains, the better it captures carbon. Soil is considered a carbon sink because it absorbs more CO2 than it releases. By increasing organic matter in soils, as practised by regenerative organic farmers, the ability of soils to store carbon is significantly enhanced.


Since 2022, PATYKA has supported La Ferme des Récoltants, a farm dedicated to regenerative organic agriculture.

Regenerative Organic Agriculture

This set of agricultural practices focuses on rehabilitating and improving ecosystems by prioritising soil health. At La Ferme des Récoltants, an 8-hectare farm near Bordeaux.

Regenerative agriculture's principles

Regenerating and nourishing the soil, increasing its fertility through cover cropping and the use of green manure


Enhancing the health, quality, and resilience of ecosystems


Promoting biodiversity by diversifying crops, thus creating ecological niches for various species


Improving soil functions such as water filtration, retention, runoff purification, and carbon sequestration

Giving back to the earth what it gives us

Healthy soils store carbon and protect water resources.
High-quality soils enable the robust growth of exceptional plants.
100% of PATYKA products are formulated with premium plant-based active ingredients. It is now essential to preserve the soils from which these ingredients are sourced, ensuring we can continue to offer you skincare excellence.


We borrow the best that the Earth has to offer and infuse it into our products. It is only natural to return the care that the Earth so greatly needs.

Women and Men begind it all

At La Ferme des Récoltants, everything is done by hand—without machinery, petroleum, or chemical products—from sowing and harvesting to planting fruit trees.


PATYKA teams regularly visit the farm as part of their volunteer days, reconnecting with the Earth and gaining a deeper understanding of the origin of our botanical active ingredients, as well as the dedication and care involved in cultivating them.


The Maison PATYKA


The Maison

Organic certification: what is it ?
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The Maison

PATYKA, a Mission-driven company
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Committed partnership

Conservatoire Botanique National Sud-Atlantique
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