Patyka is committed
to marine biodiversity
by supporting a coral restoration programme in the Mediterranean

As the oceans are the blue lungs of our planet, PATYKA, which became a Mission-Driven Company in 2020, has partnered with Coral Guardian to protect and restore coral reefs threatened by pollution.
• 25% of marine species and 275 million people depend on corals for survival (for food as well as employment–fishing or tourism).
• In some regions, coral ecosystems provide between 10% and 90% of the fish caught worldwide.
• ¼ of the world's coral reefs have already suffered irreversible damage.
• By 2050, nearly 90% of coral reefs are at risk of disappearing...
Every year, no less than 14,000 tonnes of sun cream end up in seas and oceans. It is even estimated that 25% of the ingredients in sunscreens applied to the skin are released into the water after 20 minutes (Source: Danovaro study, 2008).
Recent scientific studies have shown that certain chemical UV filters cause coral bleaching and alter their microbiome, leading to their disappearance.
• Certified organic
• Water-resistant (to prevent their dispersion)
• With mineral filters
• Non-water soluble, meaning they are not absorbable by living organisms
• More respectful of algae and corals*
• Biodegradable*
• Silicone-free
• Packaged in recycled plastic tubes
*ISO 10253 standard in progress.

In 2022, PATYKA renewed its commitment alongside Coral Guardian, founded in 2012, by supporting the installation of a new coral nursery in the Mediterranean. Thanks to the local team at Coral Soul, damaged corals are collected and placed in nurseries designed to save the most critically ill specimens (the nurseries provide a safe environment for the corals). They receive all necessary care, monitoring and proper maintenance until they recover. Once healthy, they are reintroduced into their natural habitat to revive seabeds.

In 2023, thanks to PATYKA's financial support:
• 845 corals were repopulated
• 1218 kg of waste were cleaned from the seabed
• 4752 people were made aware of the importance of coral ecosystems
• 3 coral nurseries were installed and maintained at depths of 30, 34, and 36 meters
This represents more than 2000 sq. meters of marine area restored, including 121 sq. meters of Special Conservation Area.
94.6% of the restored corals are still in good health one year after being transplanted (survival rate).

By supporting coral transplantation in natural environments, the installation of a nursery, and the regeneration of coral colonies, PATYKA contributes to the return of marine biodiversity and the restoration of a healthy ecosystem.
The Maison PATYKA

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Organic certification: what is it ?
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Organic certification: what is it ?
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PATYKA, A Mission-driven Company
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Committed partnership